
Actio sequitur esse
Actio sequitur esse

actio sequitur esse

This overall dysfunction is so pervasive in our culture that it is nearly impossible for us to have a clear vision of spiritual progress. We have come to expect little else, even from our religious leaders-perhaps especially from our religious leaders. The constant media stream of scandals and broken lives and mayhem of every sort elicits from us hardly more than a yawn.

actio sequitur esse

I am referring to how completely we have become accustomed to the normality of dysfunction. Hence, these well-meaning folk will sit in their pews year after year without realizing any movement forward in their life with God.įinally, a general cultural malaise touches us all to one extent or another. Heaven is their only release from this world of sin and rebellion. Their liturgies tell them they sin in word, thought, and deed daily, so they conclude that this is their fate until they die. To attempt any progress in the spiritual life smacks of "works righteousness" to them. Having been saved by grace, these people have become paralyzed by it. Indeed, they just might see it as a bad thing. Still others have a practical theology that will not allow for spiritual growth. Indeed, it often made them much worse inwardly: frustrated and angry and bitter. But while the glow of helping others lingered for a time, they soon realized that all their herculean efforts left little lasting imprint on the inner life. Others have immersed themselves in multiple social-service projects. They found that they were just as impatient and egocentric and fearful as when they began lifting the heavy load of church work. Vast numbers of well-intended folk have exhausted themselves in church work and discovered that this did not substantively change their lives. Sadly, many have simply given up on the possibility of growth in character formation.

actio sequitur esse

Our world today cries out for a theology of spiritual growth that has been proven to work in the midst of the harsh realities of daily life.

Actio sequitur esse